Business Databases

B2B database options include directory-type databases or personalised decision maker data.
INTERACTIVE DIRECT (postal - tele - fax - email)

Approximately 400 000 most influential business and government decision makers within 50 000 companies in South Africa.

The companies can be broken down by industry, size of organization, job titles and area. Various job titles are available per company.

Broad overview of the data available -

Africa Decision Makers, not SA - 10,478

Corporate Leaders of SA - 384,397

C-Suite SA (CEO / MD) - 19,938

Decision Makers Banking, SA - 15,613

Decision Makers Education, SA - 32,302

Decision Makers Energy, SA - 19,512

Decision Makers Engineering, SA - 12,269

Decision Makers Events, SA - 10,930

Decision Makers Financial Services, SA - 48,208

Decision Makers Fleets, SA - 23,154

Decision Makers Government, SA - 23,554

Decision Makers HR, SA - 23,284

Decision Makers ICT, SA - 25,342

Decision Makers Legal, SA - 9,237

Decision Makers Manufacturing, SA - 43,049

Decision Makers Medical, SA - 15,285

Decision Makers Mining, SA - 8,017

Decision Makers Retail, SA - 23,799

Decision Makers SMME’s, SA - 19,834

Female Decision Makers, SA - 183,956

Male Decision Makers, SA - 199,657

MEDPAGES HEALTHCARE DATABASE (postal - tele - fax - email)

MEDpages consists of approx. 250 000 practitioners and 108 711 organisations and practices. The database covers the entire spectrum of health care, including medical, dental and allied practitioners, hospitals, clinics and pharmacies. Select by specialty, region, dispensing and language (there are many other options for selection).

MEDpages offers telephone, fax, postal and e-mail data.

SA DIRECTORY DATABASE (postal - tele - fax - email)

A database of business contact information segmented by business type and geographic location. Only company details are provided. No decision makers are included in the base.

Fields available: company name, tel number, fax number, company email, postal and/or physical address.

CDM DATABASE (postal - tele - fax - email)

This is a researched database of approx. 55 000 companies in South Africa. It holds one contact person per company – usually the most senior decision maker listed on the database. Full company details as well as the direct email of the decision maker listed.

Fields include Company name, Senior contact person, designation, e-mail address, Postal Address, Telephone number, fax number, Size of organisation, Industry and web address where available.